Sunday, October 21, 2012

Chi-Spaniel Bath

This is Nyota.
Sometimes she has "problems" and "stuff" gets stuck in her fur.

I use pet wipes, but sometime the job calls for a bath.

This is Nyota in the bath...

Nyota is NOT happy.

Nyota is dripping wet...but don't worry, her fur fluffs like magic...


In all seriousness...I've had to take her for two 'hygiene' shaves in the past year.  The last one left her butt pretty bare, but it was a wipe-free two months.  Now she's back to being ultra fluffy. She's compliant when I clean/bath her anyway.

I've posted this before, but here are a few tips:

1) Make the water barely warm-- according to my groomer, their skin is exceptionally sensitive.  In lieu of a hot bath, I turn the heat on so she doesn't catch a chill.  
2) I use organic soap with essential oils.  If I use any sort of regular dog shampoo, it kills my allergies.
3) I place a bath towel in the bottom of my bathtub so her feet don't slide around.
4) I prepare ahead of time-- have the towels, shampoo, and water pitcher all ready so I can do it as fast as possible.  She's not fond of the water, so I try to stress her out as little as possible.
5) I remove her from the water and wrap her in several towels. I then dry her off and only let her roam around the house once she's dry.  Remember-- chi-spaniels are half chihuahua and that breed is sensitive to both cold and hot temperatures.